ABOVE: RICHARD ALAN Age 20, has been training for six years, always uses as heavy weights as he can conveniently handle, but is careful not to get out of proportion. One time he did increase his weight to 213 pounds, but didnt like his appearance at all so quickly fasted til he came back down to his normal of 190. Dick says in his letter to us: "I don't eat any actual supplements but follow a high protein diet with lots of fruits. I eat a lot of meat, dairy products, eggs, and home made health bread."
Awarded a scholarship to the University of Michigan, he is majoring in psychology, and hopes eventually to enter medical school and become a doctor. If plans work out as he intends them, he will eventually open a non-profit health studio, catering especially to would-be bodybuilders in their teens. He says "I would like to see everyone in my hometown or anywhere for that matter, be able to train if they want to, even if they are poor. I was lucky to have friends with weights and to have parents who would sacrifice part of the basement to me and my friends. Too many fellows neither have the money nor the friends and therefore are deprived of this great form of exercise. My big aim in life is to help people in some way. People have given me more than my share of help and I want to pass it on to those others who need it."
.....Richard Alan box 2201 University Station Ann Arbor Michigan has two different catalogs of his photographs @ $1 each catalog. ACROSS THE PAGE: ROBERT DURANTON of Paris. Born 1926, Height 1.78 cm, weight 83 kilos, waist 81cu. A professional wrestler, M. Duranton is well-known throughout the European continent. Photo by Arax, 31 Boulevard Raspail, Paris VII France. Telephone LIT. 76-39. When in Paris plan to visit M. Arax 's photo studio. Send him $10 by mail for a sample group of selections. Page 13.